On 4/11/07, Alan D. Salewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Wed, Apr 11, 2007 at 01:27:42PM -0500, Michael Dick spake thus:
> It seems that the finalName *could* be added in an xml file in the
> repository. Whether it *should* be added is another issue.

I did not think too much about that, but I guess that something like
this *could* be implemented. There would still be some issues with
snapshot deployments. Also, one has to be careful not to slow down the
standard case by an extra file access.

I have projects that create artifacts with a 'finalName' set, and these
artifacts get installed/deployed with the "wrong" file names (that is,
not what I specified in 'finalName').

In all of my cases, these artifacts do not need to be accessible by
maven for build purposes, so the fact that the files are installed and
deployed with names different from what I specified in 'finalName' is
simply an annoyance (because I then have to rename the files on the
deployment server "by hand").

Maybe we need an attribute for 'finalName' that indicates "yes I know
this name will not be accessible by maven once installed or deployed";
when set maven would deploy the file as named.

Why insist to put something into a *maven* repository if there is no
intention to access it by maven? Wouldn't it be more useful to be able
to publish to a different place? I don't know, if there already is a
plugin achieving that, but it would not be too hard to build.


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