
> >
> > I have a project based on an Ant build.xml file. I want to 
> keep this 
> > build-file, and keep building the project it self using this 
> > build-file and Ant, but to wrap Maven2 around it.
> > I've managed to "call" the ant-build file (build.xml) from 
> my POM, and 
> > it works fine. However, the Ant script produses a JAR not known to 
> > Maven, and Maven ends up creating a JAR on its own, which 
> is empty. I 
> > want to take the JAR file generated by Ant, making Maven 
> aware of it, 
> > and deploy it (from my POM) in our company Maven2 repo using the 
> > groupId-artifactId-version concept. How do I go about to 
> get this to 
> > work ? Any ideas ?
> Maybe this: http://maven.apache.org/ant-tasks.html will help you?
> Regards,
> Tomek

Thanks, but it was not quite what I was looking for, rather the other way
around. I do not want to do anything with my exsisting Ant-file (since this
is a project and hence an ant file delvirered by some third party). All the
handling of the JAR-file must be performed from within the POM.

I have partly solved it by including 

Where I tell Maven where to look for the class-files for Maven to build the
JAR. The class-files are a result of the Ant-script.
It might happen that this is the preferred way of doing it, since I will end
up with a Maven-generated JAR which better matches the Maven2 repo concept
(since the JAR generated from Maven contains both pom.properties and the
pom.xml, which the Ant generated JAR file does not.)...

Any thoughts on this ?


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