On 4/26/07, John Casey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In your POM, you should configure the assembly plugin with the following:


Although I will say that this will only generate a 'target/debug.dir'
directory, not a target/debug one...that's because the assembly format is
always appended to the directory/file name.

...oh, and if you're creating multiple types of assemblies, you may want to
stick that into an execution-level configuration block.

BTW, I noticed the *.jar entry...are you trying to capture a dependencySet
with that? If so, you could use:




On 4/26/07, ben short <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to use the assembly plugin to create a directory in my
> target Dir called debug. In this I'm going to put everything i need in
> order to run the project in debug mode via my ide.
> Currently I have this assembly descriptor
> <assembly>
>   <id>debug</id>
>   <formats>
>     <format>dir</format>
>   </formats>
>   <fileSets>
>     <fileSet>
>       <includes>
>         <include>README*</include>
>         <include>LICENSE*</include>
>         <include>NOTICE*</include>
>       </includes>
>     </fileSet>
>     <fileSet>
>       <directory>target</directory>
>       <outputDirectory>libs</outputDirectory>
>       <includes>
>         <include>*.jar</include>
>       </includes>
>     </fileSet>
>   </fileSets>
> </assembly>
> I think I understand how to include files etc, but i cant see how i
> can tell it to create a directory called 'debug'. I always end up with
> a target/artifactname-version-debug.dir/artifactname-version.
> What I really want is target/debug. Is this even possible?
> Ben
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John Casey
Maven Developer (http://maven.apache.org)
Blog: http://www.ejlife.net/blogs/buildchimp


This is what i have so far....





That all works well apart from the name. You said...

...oh, and if you're creating multiple types of assemblies, you may want to
stick that into an execution-level configuration block.

Im not sure where you mean, could you help me out please?


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