On 9/26/07, Steinar Bang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is it possible to create a <plugin> configuration in a top level POM
> with <packaging>pom</packaging>, that will only be executed in child
> modules with <packaging>bundle</packaging> (modules using the apache
> FELIX maven-bundle-plugin)?
> The use case is where I have a dependency:copy config in the POM of
> each bundle projects, that copies the installed bundle into an eclipse
> PDE target platform.
> I would like to move the config up to a common parent, but that causes
> the projects with <packaging>pom</packaging> to be copied to the PDE
> target platform as well.  They aren't bundles, so they won't have any
> effect on eclipse, but it's clutter I'd like to avoid...

Configure plugins in profiles in parent pom and activate profiles in child poms?
This won't be automatic (I do not know if there's a way to activate profile
using packaging, maybe there's?) - you'll need to add avtivation to child poms
but should solve problem with storing configuration in one place.


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