> B API (B-I) depends on artifact A1. B implementation (B-P) depends on
> the B API (obviously) and transitively on artifact A1.
> C API (C-I) does not depend on anything. But C implementation (C-P)
> depends on artifact A2 as well as APIs for B (B-I) and C (C-I) and
> transitively on artifact A1.
> Running of the C implementation tests also has a dependency on B-P but
> compiling of the tests does not.
> I can easily create a JAR for B and C (I wrote a little plugin that
> aggregates the classes / resources from children into the parent and
> then use normal plugins to package it up). The problem is sorting out
> the dependencies. In the above example the aggregated JAR for B should
> be dependent on A1 and the aggregated JAR for C should be dependent on
> A2 and the aggregated JAR for B. Unfortunately, I cannot see how I can
> modify the dependencies on the fly in order to produce that result.
> What I would like to do is create an assembly from the aggregated JARs
> and have that assembly automatically contain the transitive
> dependencies, e.g. in the above example I would like an assembly with
> B, C, A1 and A2 but not B-I, B-P, C-I or C-P. If I cannot sort out the
> dependencies then I lose one big advantage of Maven over out build
> which is transitive dependency support.
> The above approach will give me compile time protection against using
> implementation classes directly and OSGi will give me runtime
> protection. But it is not perfect because if someone compiles against
> the aggregated JAR then they could still use the implementation
> classes even though it would fail at runtime.
> If the above is not possible then I was wondering whether there was
> any tool out there that would detect when classes were using
> 'implementation classes', e.g. by marking API packages with a Java 1.5
> annotation and then doing some form of byte code analysis to detect
> whether a class is using non API classes from other artifacts?

If I resummarize, what you want is that building the whole project
creates a bundle containing B, C and their transitive dependencies,
but not the submodules of B and C. I am pretty sure
assembly+dependency could do the trick.

Give me a little bit time (one or 2
days) and I will send you a skeleton project doing this (or I will
confess miserably my incompetence :)). Or maybe you have that
skeleton, a stripped/anonymized version of your project to start with
? Or someone else on the list already has the answer...

Best regards,
OQube < software engineering \ génie logiciel >
Arnaud Bailly, Dr.
\web> http://www.oqube.com

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