Thanks for the quick reply, i'll give it a shot.

----- Original Message ----
From: Graham Leggett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Maven Users List <>
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2007 4:29:25 PM
Subject: Re: maven-release-plugin best practice question

On Mon, October 29, 2007 5:18 pm, maarten roosendaal wrote:

> I'm working with the maven-release-plugin and it works fine except
 for the
> fact that my own <module>-<version>-SNAPSHOT dependencies in various
> pom.xml's do no get updated when performing a release:prepare.
> I thought i could use the dependencyManagement for this but when i
> this and do a release:prepare and start building, several modules
> look for dependencies with the release version instead of the old
> version.
> What is the (best) way to avoid having to manually change all the
> versionumbers in de dependencies in the pom.xml's (we have 12) before
> performing a release?

If all 12 dependencies are typically released at the same time, then
them together as a multi-module build and release the multi-module
in one go.

We set the version in the root pom of our multi-module build, and in
submodules, the version is inherited and accessed using ${pom.version}.

When the release:perform is run from the root of the multi-module
all the version numbers are handled automatically.

One thing that the release plugin likes to do when testing a
build is to miss out the install phase, which can cause potential
confusion as each of your submodules isn't installed and used by the
submodule. To work around this problem, add this to your root pom:

          <preparationGoals>clean install</preparationGoals>


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