If you want to share the plugin and to move it on a open sourec model
you can ask this on mojo (at codehaus)
Have a look here : http://mojo.codehaus.org/development/submitting-a-plugin.html


2007/12/21, Benoit Decherf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I'm working on the migration of some projects from ant to maven. for
> some of the work done in ant target, there is no corresponding plugin
> for maven (ex: serialver: http://serialver.sourceforge.net/).
> So I make a plugin that comment the serialversionUID on the source
> class. Then the plugin compile the class and execute serialver to
> compute the serializeVerionUID and compare it to the last one.
> My problem is that to compile the generated sources, I need to extends
> the AbstractCompilerMojo from maven-compiler-plugin. But if i just
> extends this class, the parameter of the parent class are not set by
> plexus. How should I do this ?
> Thanks,
> Benoit
> PS: I'd like to distribute the plugins. Is there any repository where I
> can submit my sources ?
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