I would suggest deploying the web application into a standalone Jetty
container. I'm currently looking into making that a standard
distribution instead of the plexus application server runtime that we
have at present.


On 21/12/2007, Gong Phil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My server has 2 ip, one inner and one outer, we just don't want the
> people not in our company to access the archiva, so we want to bind
> the archiva to the inner ip. It really confused me for one day, I
> tried to search the answer in google, but nothing can help, I just
>  find out jetty it self can do it by config it in jetty.xml, but
>  archiva seems not provide such config file, could anybody help me please?

Brett Porter
Blog: http://www.devzuz.org/blogs/bporter/

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