thanks for your Olivier ,

it works now!
i forgot to make a clean in the target folder so that's why the files were always present !

The excludes field in the jar plugin is to exclude content from
${} not to exclude resources.
In order to exclude resources have a look here [1].

I don't really understand your jar plugin configuration.
Can you try a more simple :



2008/1/12, supareno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Thanks Olivier (and Jochen and Dennis),

it is now building without any error but the xsd files is always here
i'm gonna try with Ant task to if it is working !

Can you try with :


2008/1/12, supareno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hello guys

i read the previous threads about exclusion with interest
because i am always confronted with the "excludes" problem

i followed all the steps:
changed my settings.xml to enable snapshot plugin repositories...
everything is working except the "excludes" tag

my pom.xml looks like this:



and when i run maven with the following command:
mvn -Papache package
i've got this exception!

[INFO] Failed to configure plugin parameters for:

    (found static expression: '**/*.xsd' which may act as a default value).

Cause: Cannot assign configuration entry 'excludes' to 'class
[Ljava.lang.String;' from '**/*.xsd', which is of type class
[INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch

do i forget something during my builds??


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