There is probably no archetype that will work perfectly for the
specific way you want to organize your various projects.

In general, I would make a few projects:
1. A central library jar that is built and released on its own
2. A webapp project for each of your webapps (this may be a single
parent project with a collection of webapp projects under it for ease
of building and versioning, but this will depend on your requirements)
3. A webapp project for each of your clients (arguably this may be a
single customer parent project which is composed of several webapp
projects underneath)

If it makes sense, you could combine 1 & 2 above. Arguably you could
even combine all 3 under one super parent. But then assuming you're
sharing versions across all projects, you'll be bumping versions of
client1-webapp1 from 1.1 to 1.6 despite not changing anything. So I
think breaking it up a bit is a better idea.

There are too many unknowns for any one of us to suggest the right
path. Instead, I think you should make a stab at implementing things
yourself, and then refactor and create new modules etc as necessary.
Just start now and fix later -- with dependencies etc, Maven makes
this a pretty cheap process.


On 1/14/08, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In our project we have a central library that gets called by multiple
> webapps. The bulk of the code is in the central library. The various
> webapps perform different functions using the code in the library.
> Also, we have a completely different set of webapps that we
> custom-develop for different clients.
> What's the best way to do the directory structure this project? Is there
> an archetype that gets close?
> (We embed Jetty as the app server)
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