Take a look at the buildnumber plugin[1]. However, this will not be the 
timestamp it will have in your remote repository. Just the timestamp (or 
revision) of the moment you build.


Nick Stolwijk

[1] http://mojo.codehaus.org/buildnumber-maven-plugin/

-----Original Message-----
From: news on behalf of Jon SlinnHawkins
Sent: Tue 1/29/2008 11:04 AM
To: users@maven.apache.org
Subject:  SNAPSHOT timestamp ?
Hi All,

I am trying to write the SNAPSHOT version number (with timestamp) to the 
manifest.mf file of a WebApp.

I can successfully use the maven-war-plugin to add the version - however 
this simply adds "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT" to the manifest.

Whast i would like to achieve is adding the timestamped snapshot version 
number : 1.0.0-20080125.120545-3

Is this possible ?

Is there any way i can retrieve this timestamped version by any other 
means, i can then figure out how to get it into the manifest.....

Many Thanks


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