You are referring to the maven support plugin in the IDE from default
netbeans update center?
does the "new project" wizard start a maven build or it shows no UI at all?
I've never seen it before, feel free to file under with steps to reproduce, screenshots
or anything else that helps reproducing the issue.


On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 7:00 PM, Érico Teixeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm testing netbeans 6.0.1 + maven plugin in debian etch
>   I've installed the plugin without problems but when I try to create a maven 
> project It does nothing ... It doesn´t create the project neither it´s 
> folder, anything
>   I've tried to create a project in several folders but nothing
>   I believe that´s a linux configuration issue but I decided to post the 
> message here in case that someone already lived through this ...
>   thanks
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