

      Using the release plugin if you wanted to assemble your project
BEFORE it rolls over the next SNAPSHOT, how would you accomplish that?


For instance:


When you do a release:prepare then release:perform and then
assembly:assembly (to run a customer assembler) instead of ending up
with artifacts at, let's say PROJECT-1.0_B0, I end up with an assembly
that is referencing PROJECT-1.0_B1-SNAPSHOT, which is the next version
in line.  From what I can tell this makes sense and at the time the
assembly runs, the version has moved to the next SNAPSHOT.


I did see a note that you can tie actions to the relase plugin to do
BEFORE it submits - would you simply put assembly goal in there?  Is
that location referencing between prepare and perform or before it
submits prepare changes or... where?


So, just to recap... I'm trying to get my assembly to play with the
PROJECT-1.0_b0 version and not the PROJECT-1.0_b1-SNAPSHOT version.


Thanks for any help!



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