I don't use profiles very much, I've one box for office work, another for private stuff :-)...

found a post in the q4e users list:

refering to an issue in q4e:


John Coleman schrieb:
I can't see a way in Q4E to activate a profile in my settings.xml. Did
you find out how to do that?

My experience so far is that NetBeans mavenide seems to be streets ahead
of the various eclipse efforts I have tried. Since devzuz support Q4E I
am hoping it is better than what I have seen.

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Lutz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 25 February 2008 11:24
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Mevenide vs. M2Eclipse, Q for Eclipse/IAM

Hi !

Though this doesn't answer your question regarding a comparison.. :-):

I use Q4E and am really happy with it. much better than m2eclipse and mevenide, pom synchronization and classpath integration works well. No webtools support in the version I use, but that could have changed in the meantime...


VUB Stefan Seidel schrieb:
Hi Chris,

we started with m2eclipse, too, and had troubles too. After
about a week in total fixing the worst things in it, it is quite usable. Unfortunately, almost none of my suggestions made
it into the
mainstream code, and I've given up trying. I thought about
a fork but
I don't have the time. Anyway, m2eclipse is based on some
good ideas,
and when I last looked at Q4E, it wasn't usable due to its
early dev
There is a eclipse plugin for maven that generated the
.project files
and others, this one allows you to develop maven apps in
Eclipse, but
it is no real "Eclipse integration".



Chris wrote:
I googled around to try to find a comparison between
Mevenide and the
alternatives, and didn't come up with much.

Can someone tell me the differences?

(I've spend some time with m2eclipse, and I'm *not* impressed).

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