
Eugene, and crew have made huge strides with the release of the m2eclipse 0.9.0. You can find Eugene's blog entry about it here:


Among the very cool features

- Integration with Archetype 2.x
- Full integration with Remote Maven Repositories (central index retrieval is included) - Full searching for plugin goals (this is probably the first place you'll ever see all goals for all plugins visible in one place, made possible with the Nexus index) - Project Materialization (take a dependent project and materialize the source, to make it a source dependency) - We made available a stand-alone Nexus indexer so you can index your own repositories and see them in Eclipse with m2e

The documentation is here:


Feature comparison:


Update site:


Eugene will also be hosting the OSGi, Eclipse and Maven BOF at EclipseCon:


We'll have some seriously cool demos for those who show up! We will also be hanging out at the Webtide booth for those who want to chat about Maven and Eclipse.



Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

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