At 10:37 PM +0100 3/11/08, simon wrote:
>On Tue, 2008-03-11 at 13:52 -0700, Russ Tremain wrote:
>> At 9:10 PM +0100 3/11/08, simon wrote:
>> >
>> >It's rather odd to want to inherit anything except (transient)
>> >dependencies from an "external" pom.
>> I agree - it is an odd case as well as an interesting one. :)
>> >Normally, you don't want an external pom to dictate how *your* project
>> >is built, or what reports *your* project contains, etc.
>> exactly.
>> >What is in pom X that you want T to have?
>> our test project is inheriting from a fairly complex external test framework,
>> which creates some test profiles that we are using, and declares
>> the dependencies for these profiles:
>>         <artifactId>spring-osgi</artifactId>
>>         <groupId>org.springframework.osgi</groupId>
>>         <version>1.0</version>
>I'm no expert in this area, but it feels initially to me like project X
>is actually effectively producing N different artifacts, each with
>different dependencies.

X in this case is just a pom.  It is not producing any artifacts.

>If project X were to actually do that, then your test system T would
>have no problems; you just depend upon different flavours of X depending
>upon your own criteria.
>Does maven support classifiers for poms, ie can X produce a set of
>artifacts with same group/artifact but different classifiers, with a
>different pom for each classifier?

I'm not aware of how that is done, or how it would help in this case.
I think the issue is that I can only inherit from one pom, and that there
appears to be no mechanism for injecting definitions from any pom except the 

I.e., maven does not believe in marriage. :)


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