Have you tried something like this in your assembly description:


This takes all of our projects dependencies except the java.servlet:jstl and puts them in the lib directory. You can create an arbitrary number of dependencySets to put some dependencies in one place, and others in another.

If you aren't using a custom assembly descriptor, you'll need to use one, and put this in your pom:

<descriptor>src/assembly/assembly.xml</ descriptor>


On Mar 21, 2008, at 9:25 AM, nicolas de loof wrote:

Seems you misunderstood my issue :

the orcale driver is deployed in my corporate repo, my webapp has a
dependency on it (we use com.oracle.Blob object), but is set as provided as
the jndi DataSource is created by the J2EE server

To respect my customer packaging, I need to provided both the EAR and the jars that must be added to the server classpath (-> $TOMCAT_HOME/ lib ).

I've not found a way to include the jar in my assembly by picking it from my
local repository.


2008/3/21, Heinrich Nirschl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 11:51 AM, nicolas de loof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

for packaging purpose I need to include the Oracle driver in a "/ lib"
of my dist tar.gz (created by the assembly plugin)
My web application declares this dependency as provided, so it is not
included in WEB-INF/lib

I tried to setup a <file> with ${settings.localRepository} as a path,
the variable isn't resolved to my repo.

Any idea ?


Install the driver in your repo and don't declare it as provided but
as a normal dependency.


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Joshua ChaitinPollak | Software Engineer
Kiva Systems, Inc., 225 Wildwood Ave, Woburn, MA 01970

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