On Mar 23, 2008, at 8:20 PM, Siarhei Dudzin wrote:

Just a few ideas...

* In *my* opinion, the idea of having an equivalent of ant -P or a
readme.txt defeats the whole idea of maven as it uses *standard* build
lifecycle. People need to be made aware of that.

That's true, up to a point, however, maven doesn't have standard ways of running specific unit tests (well, it doesn't but its too cumbersome), running specific main functions, etc. Just walking people through the basic phases and common plugins is one thing, but in any large project there is inevitably some things that need to be customized.

* Of course there is a learning curve, give them an introduction
presentation so that they understand what they are doing when they just type
in mvn install or something like that

Yup, done that, but our development crew has doubled, so its probably time to do it again.

* To reduce number of complaints all builds should be able to run with
*zero* manual configuration. To achieve that use defaults parent poms,
distribute settings.xml (and keep them up to day) and use standard ways of
working (again - communicate that)

Yeah, I'm with you on that one, in fact, right now we have no requires settings.xml settings, unless you need to deploy to the shared repository.

and finally if people refuse to learn you have a bigger than maven problem
on your hands :)

Yeah, its called getting our releases out on time.

Joshua ChaitinPollak | Software Engineer
Kiva Systems, Inc., 225 Wildwood Ave, Woburn, MA 01970

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