Sure: Here's the POM for the Foundation:

<project xmlns="";

And here's the sample EAR:

<project xmlns="";

There's nothing in the EAR except for this dependency of
foundation.jar which is stored in our company's remote repository. I
saw that the pom.xml for Foundation is stored in the foundation.jar,
and I thought that's where it gets the dependency list from.

I'm thinking that the problem isn't in the POM as much as it is in the
repository setup.

On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 4:49 PM, Wayne Fay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The dependencies of your dependencies are called transitive dependencies.
>  Normally, Maven2 is able to figure out what you need and build/package
>  things properly. So, you must be doing something "wrong" to get these
>  results.
>  Can you send the 2 pom.xml files you created, 1 for foundation, and 1
>  for the EAR? I imagine you are doing something wrong with the scope.
>  Wayne
>  On 4/10/08, David Weintraub <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > I've just started using Maven, and I'm struggling with a few things.
>  >
>  > I took one our our components I build with Ant, and created a Maven
>  > build for it. This is a set of foundation classes that several of our
>  > projects use, so I called it "foundation.jar". So far, so good, I
>  > specified a set of JARS that this foundation.jar was dependent upon,
>  > and Maven downloaded the other 3rd party jars that were needed. This
>  > whole thing packaged itself all nice and neat.
>  >
>  > I downloaded this to our internal Maven Repository, and created a new
>  > EAR project. The project was an empty skeleton, but I specified it
>  > needed this foundation.jar. The ear packaged with the foundation.jar,
>  > but without any of the 3rd party JARS that foundation.jar needs in
>  > order to work. So, how do I get Maven to package all the needed 3rd
>  > party JARs that foundation.jar needs?
>  > --
>  > --
>  > David Weintraub
>  >
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David Weintraub

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