
there is a project called maven-embedder [1] for integrating maven in
other application (IDE's ...).

You also may want to have a look at two other projects that might
provide what you are looking for. First there is POMStrap [1], its an
application bootstrapper working with pom files. And second there is
PAX-Runner [3] from the OPS4J project which is a frontend for various
OSGi frameworks (Concierge, Equinox, Felix and Knopflerfish) that can
bootstrap from bundles specified as dependencies in a pom file.

Hope that helps

[1] http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-embedding-m2.html
[2] http://pomstrap.prefetch.com/en/
[3] http://wiki.ops4j.org/confluence/display/ops4j/Pax+Runner

Jan Torben Heuer schrieb:

Is it possible to embed the maven engine in a java program?

I think of using it as plugin management for an application.

I want to define an artifact (my pointing to a pom or giving
an "group:artifact:version" string. Then I want maven to resolve, download
and add the artifact+dependencies to my classpath at runtime.

Has anyone tried it, yet? If not, will it be worth a try?



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