> What's "snapshot purging"???
If you have an internal development team which uses the repository and you make 
a new release of a component, most of the time the snapshots for that component 
are no longer needed. Archiva can delete the snapshots for a specific version 
or after a specific amount of time. It saves diskspace. ;)

>And all this works automatically, so I just could use whatever dependency
>the maven remote repo offers, and it would be downloaded just in time if not
>present? That sound cool.

Yes, and it will also be present when another developer wants to get it.

> So if Archiva offers all these things - why isn't the maven repo using it???
> (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/)

Because they don't need snapshot purging (it doesn't contain snapshots), access 
control is done by ssh accounts and generally, with the amount of traffic 
central has, you don't want a sophisticated system like archive, but just a 
fast system like apache (I guess they use that).


Nick S.

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Horlock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri 4/11/2008 17:57
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: maven archiva vs. maven repo

"access control (who may read/write), search for artifacts" - do you define
this for each file, or just general "read" access vs general "write" access?

>Archiva works as a mirror proxy, so each artifact you look up on the
archiva repository, which isn't found, Archiva will pull it from central (or
any other >configured repository)

And all this works automatically, so I just could use whatever dependency
the maven remote repo offers, and it would be downloaded just in time if not
present? That sound cool.

So if Archiva offers all these things - why isn't the maven repo using it???
Are there (better) alternatives to Archiva?

Thanks in advance,


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