
unlike with maven1 there are no bundled plugins distributed with maven2, everything is downloaded on demand. The plugins developed by the maven team are listed here [1] and another huge collection of plugins is developed by the mojo project on codehaus.org [2]. If you're searching a specific plugin not available at the above locations, a google search like "PRODUCT_NAME maven plugin" usually helps. If you can't find a plugin you need at all, don't hesitate to ask here.

As a general advise to new maven users I would recommend reading at least the Getting Started Guide [3] and having a look at one of the free books about maven [4], [5]. A collection of useful guides is available here [6].


[1] http://maven.apache.org/plugins/
[2] http://mojo.codehaus.org/plugins.html
[3] http://maven.apache.org/guides/getting-started/index.html
[4] http://www.sonatype.com/book/#
[5] http://www.exist.com/?q=node/151
[6] http://maven.apache.org/guides/index.html

darren smith schrieb:
Am very new to maven. I'd like to know what goals are available for my
firm-provided installation of maven.  I've searched the web and come up with
"mvn -g" but that doesn't seem to work on my version of maven (2.0.6).

So, is there a simple way to find out what goals my maven installation
offers me?



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