thank you very much!


发送时间: 2008-06-13 19:45:48
收件人: Maven Users List
主题: Re: who can explain this table about dependencies scope?

oliver.maven schrieb:
> hi,all
> i am learning maven by reading offical document,when i encounter this table 
> below,i am really cant understand it,so anyone
> can give me one reality example?or explain in more detail?
> from offical:"Each of the scopes (except for import ) affects transitive 
> dependencies in different ways, as is demonstrated in the table below. If a 
> dependency is set to the scope in the left column, transitive dependencies of 
> that dependency with the scope across the top row will result in a dependency 
> in the main project with the scope listed at the intersection. If no scope is 
> listed, it means the dependency will be omitted."
>              compile   provided   runtime   test 
>  compile     compile(*) -         runtime   - 
>  provided    provided  provided   provided  - 
>  runtime     runtime   -          runtime   _ 
>  test        test       -         test        -

Project a has
<dependency >
<artifactId >b </artifactId >
<scope >compile </scope >
</dependency >

Project b has
<dependency >
<artifactId >c </artifactId >
<scope >runtime </scope >
</dependency >
<dependency >
<artifactId >d </artifactId >
<scope >test </scope >
</dependency >

So what is the dependency between projects a and c? At the intersection
of "compile" and "runtime", you can see that the result is "runtime".
Therefore project a has a "runtime" dependency on c.

What is the dependency between a and d? As seen from the table, the
intersection is "-". So actually, a does *not* have any dependency on d.


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