On Thu, 03 Jul 2008 19:30:58 Jörg Schaible wrote:
> > 8) use mvn dependency:resolve and mvn
> > depedendency:tree regularly to understand how things are working and
> > to catch any
> > transitions that i did not
> > expect
> Especially after upgrading version of 3rd party artifacts ;-)

Actually that is _never_ a problem for me because I compose 3rd party 
artifacts into a separate pom thats the only place the deps can go wrong. 
When i upgrade the 3p library I isolate and control the depedencies in the 
composition. I can therefore guarantee that the dependency tree is no 
different than before or I can bump the major version to identify that the 
contract (i.e. same dep tree) is broken.

Michael McCallum
Development Lead
Ferrit Ltd
cell: 021.576.907
aim: gholamses

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