I have simple web services demo which I created in Eclipse and added external 
jar files to project. I am able to run it successfully unit tests in eclipse 

Now I have moved the code to maven project and added dependencies tho those jar 
files in my pom file. And now the maven project fails complaining 

I installed all jars files manually in my totally new maven repo but maven 
first downloads pom files for those manually installed jars and then download 
other jar files which are defined as dependencies in those new downloaded pom 
files. I do not want any of those newly downloaded jar files. I know my 
manually installed jar files are good enough to run the project (as shown in 
eclipse) but maven is doing some thing stupid amd making my project fail at run 
time complaining of missing class files.

How could I resolve this issue in most cleanest way.I hope that I am able to 
explain problem clearly.

Any help would be really appreciated.





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