scp is using ssh so you need a key generated. If you are building and
deploying locally, try to just stage the site to the directory you want.


Thank You…

Mick Knutson, President

BASE Logic, Inc.
Enterprise Architecture, Design, Mentoring & Agile Consulting
p. (866) BLiNC-411: (254-6241-1)
f. (415) 685-4233

Linked IN:
Vacation Rental:

On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 10:05 AM, Kent Närling <>wrote:

> I am trying to deploy a project site, but it seems that the deployment
> possibilities are very limited?
> eg. I am trying this:
>  <distributionManagement>
>    <site>
>      <id>project-site</id>
>      <url>scp://localhost/home/admin/test</url>
>    </site>
>  </distributionManagement>
> But then I get:
> Embedded error: The host was not known and was not accepted by the
> configuration: localhost
> reject HostKey: localhost
> It doesn't accept localhost?? why??
> Also, I would actually like to be able to use another port (than 22) is
> this
> even possible?
> The documentation regarding the distribution options/protocols seems almost
> non-existant, or?

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