Take a look at chapter 5 of the book. It creates a simple webapp. In
chapter 5.5 it adds a servlet to src/main/java.


Nick Stolwijk
~Java Developer~

Iprofs BV.
Claus Sluterweg 125
2012 WS Haarlem

On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 10:56 AM, Nick Stolwijk <nick.stolw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You created your project with the sample webapp as archetype. It is
> recommended to seperate your java files and your webapp in seperate
> modules and add a dependency between the modules. For your first maven
> project you can simply create the src/main/java yourself (it is just a
> directory) and put your java files in there.
> Hth,
> Nick Stolwijk
> ~Java Developer~
> Iprofs BV.
> Claus Sluterweg 125
> 2012 WS Haarlem
> www.iprofs.nl
> On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 10:52 AM, Joey Krane <linuxbsd2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks for the response.
>> On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 3:03 PM, Nick Stolwijk <nick.stolw...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> Maven is not that much more difficult then ant, it is different.
>>> Please take a look at the maven book [1], this explains everything in
>>> a very good way!
>> Yes, I did refer to this as well. It does not talk about an end to end
>> web application example or for moving from ant to maven in web
>> application context.
>>> Oh, and for your compile problem. Put your java sources in
>>> src/main/java,
>> I don't see src/main/java but only src/main/resources and src/main/webapp
>>> your resources in src/main/resources,
>> Is resources the same as my source code? If so, I tried that and I
>> still get No resources to compile .. or something similar.
>>> your unit tests
>> I haven't gone that far yet. I'm still struggling to get a simple
>> webapplication to compile and create a war file.
>> Joey
>>> On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 10:17 AM, Joey Krane <linuxbsd2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I'm exploring Maven and hence started to work with a simple web
>>>> application. I used the one I had already (mywebapp)
>>>> with the following directory structure.
>>>> mywebapp/
>>>> login.html
>>>> wEB-INF/
>>>>               src/LoginServlet.java
>>>>               src/EmailServlet.java
>>>>               web.xml
>>>> I used to manually compile my sources and copy them to
>>>> WEB-INF/classes/mywebapp The application works well with tomcat.
>>>> Enter Maven and what a nightmare! I haven't used any tool that is as
>>>> complicated as Maven! You may all diagree (since you know maven) but
>>>> for firsttime users, this is useless.
>>>> I installed Maven and compiled the Hello World test application 
>>>> successfully.
>>>> Then I created a webapp archetype,
>>>> $ mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=mywebapp  -DartifactId=mywebapp
>>>> -DpackageName=mywebapp -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp
>>>> -Dversion=1.0.0
>>>> (oh yeah, it complains that "create" is deprecated and to use
>>>> "generate"... while there is no mention of this anywhere online)
>>>> I copied my source to resources/, and web.xml to the  WEB-INF/
>>>> Here's my pom.xml
>>>> <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0";
>>>> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
>>>>  xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0
>>>> http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd";>
>>>>  <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
>>>>  <groupId>mywebapp</groupId>
>>>>  <artifactId>mywebapp</artifactId>
>>>>  <packaging>war</packaging>
>>>>  <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
>>>>  <name>poc Maven Webapp</name>
>>>>  <url>http://maven.apache.org</url>
>>>>  <dependencies>
>>>>    <dependency>
>>>>      <groupId>junit</groupId>
>>>>      <artifactId>junit</artifactId>
>>>>      <version>3.8.1</version>
>>>>      <scope>test</scope>
>>>>    </dependency>
>>>>  </dependencies>
>>>>  <build>
>>>>    <finalName>LoginServlet</finalName>
>>>>  </build>
>>>> </project>
>>>> And when I run mvn compile, I get
>>>> [INFO] Scanning for projects...
>>>> [INFO] 
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> [INFO] Building mywebapp Maven Webapp
>>>> [INFO]    task-segment: [compile]
>>>> [INFO] 
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> [INFO] [resources:resources]
>>>> [INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
>>>> [INFO] [compiler:compile]
>>>> [INFO] No sources to compile
>>>> [INFO] 
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> [INFO] 
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> [INFO] Total time: 1 second
>>>> [INFO] Finished at: Tue Dec 16 14:15:55 IST 2008
>>>> [INFO] Final Memory: 6M/86M
>>>> [INFO] -----------------------------
>>>> So I'm not sure where to go from here. Most examples never talk about
>>>> the compile process and what happens during this phase. I have looked
>>>> plenty online for help and clues but found none to be useful. The
>>>> maven documentation itself is complicated.
>>>> Why isn't there a simple webapplication example using maven?. No i
>>>> don't want to use Jetty. I just want to compile a war file and deploy
>>>> it on tomcat (manually).
>>>> Sorry for venting. Ant is so much better in simplicity. But I don't
>>>> want to use Ant tasks in Maven since my application will grow to be
>>>> complex and I want to use Maven as advertised but the learning curve
>>>> sucks!
>>>> Joey
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