
On Tuesday 27 January 2009 Matthias Müller wrote:
> i'm quite new to maven. i want to setup a shared internal remote
> repository on a network drive. the users use there own local repository
> (~/.m2/repository) as a cache and for their unreleased projects. if the
> project need an artifact that is not in the internal remote repository,
> that artifacts need to be downloaded from central to that internal remote
> repository and then copied to the local one. what's the easiest way to
> accomplish that?
> is that the purpose of request managers like Nexus?
> what request managers do you recommend?

Usually these software packages are refered to as "repository managers" 
rather than request managers. However, Nexus, Archiva or Artifactory are 
such repository managers. A list is available on maven's homepage [0] or at 
codehaus.org [1].

You will also find some posts if you search this list's archive with nabble [2]

- martin

[0] http://maven.apache.org/repository-management.html
[2] http://www.nabble.com/Maven---Users-f178.html

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