Thanks for your help. I kept seeing the assembly file referenced, but
nothing too much on where it should be.

Here's my Assembly file:


Originally, I tried to create a src/main/instance directory, and any
files in that directory would be included in the root of the tar.gz
file. However, it kept putting them under src/main/conf/instance in
the tarball instead of in the root. I finally just defined two
separate filesets. I don't know if I need the <include>**</include>
line because this is the default, but it works.

There are two issues I am having:

1). In the tarball, the "lib" directory is owned by build/user, but
the bin and conf directory is owned by 0/0. Is there a way to set
this? I didn't see anything in the Assembly settings.

2). My boss wants to know why is the assembly file called bin.xml. I
told him because the assembly file is a "bin" type, and you name the
assembly file after the assembly type. He wants to see documentation
to this effect. Is there such documentation? I know you can call your
assembly file anything you want, but if this is the Maven standard, I
want to stick with it.

On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 8:47 AM, Karl Heinz Marbaise <> wrote:
> Hi David,
>> I'm building a JAR file that needs to be packaged with some shell
>> scripts and some configuration files. The shell scripts will be in a
>> "bin" directory, the configuration files will be in a "conf"
>> directory, and I'd like the jar in the "lib" directory with any of the
>> dependency jars mentioned in the POM.
>> I've read about Assemblies in Maven -- The Definitive Guide, but I am
>> a little confused about them. It looks like the Assembly is separate
>> from the POM. Is this true? If it is separate from the POM, where is
>> it suppose to live, and how does the POM refer to it?
> It's correct that's outside the pom. It lives in src/main/assembly or
> something like this...(see
>> I figure this is a pretty standard setup for a standalone JAR
>> application, but I haven't seen any examples of this particular setup.
> e.g. the following is a bin.xml assembly discriptor:
> May be you have to change the include and the exclude section a bit.
> <assembly>
>    <id>bin</id>
>    <formats>
>        <format>tar.gz</format>
>        <format>zip</format>
>    </formats>
>    <baseDirectory>${artifactId}-${version}</baseDirectory>
>    <includeSiteDirectory>false</includeSiteDirectory>
>    <dependencySets>
>        <dependencySet>
>            <outputDirectory>lib</outputDirectory>
>            <unpack>false</unpack>
>            <scope>runtime</scope>
>        </dependencySet>
>    </dependencySets>
>    <fileSets>
>        <fileSet>
>            <filtered>true</filtered>
>            <includes>
>                <include>supose.cmd</include>
>            </includes>
>        </fileSet>
>        <fileSet>
>            <includes>
>                <include>search-examples.txt</include>
>            </includes>
>            <excludes>
>                <exclude>*.log</exclude>
>                <exclude>bin/**</exclude>
>                <exclude>build/**</exclude>
>                <exclude>dist/**</exclude>
>                <exclude>test-output/**</exclude>
>                <exclude>**/target/**</exclude>
>            </excludes>
>        </fileSet>
>    </fileSets>
> </assembly>
> Within the pom you have to put the following: There you can configure where
> to put the assembly descriptors...
>  <plugin>
>      <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>      <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId>
>      <version>2.2-beta-3</version>
>      <configuration>
>        <descriptors>
>          <descriptor>src/main/assembly/bin.xml</descriptor>
>        </descriptors>
>      </configuration>
>      <executions>
>         <execution>
>           <phase>package</phase>
>           <goals>
>             <goal>single</goal>
>           </goals>
>         </execution>
>      </executions>
>  </plugin>
> That will bin the creation of the packages to the package phase...
> --
> SoftwareEntwicklung Beratung Schulung    Tel.: +49 (0) 2405 / 415 893
> Dipl.Ing.(FH) Karl Heinz Marbaise        ICQ#: 135949029
> Hauptstrasse 177                         USt.IdNr: DE191347579
> 52146 Würselen                 
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David Weintraub

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