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Hope helps,

On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 9:36 PM, Merv Green <> wrote:

> So, in my quest to take Maven completely internal, I'm still grappling with
> a couple of use cases:
> 1. Gathering plugin dependencies
> We have some list of approved plugins we somehow decide we need. For each,
> we want to populate our repo with any artifacts those plugins might require
> in use.
> During the approval process we create dummy projects to exercise each
> plugin, then we build those projects against a proxy repo and declare
> whatever landed in the proxy kosher. That step rubs me wrong because I feel
> like Maven is resolving plugin dependencies based on the plugin's
> configuration for a particular project, and we'll easily miss some use
> cases, ending up with an incomplete repository.
> Wendy, apparently has a better way that uses the assembly plugin, but I
> don't quite understand it. Could you illustrate?
> 2. Different dependency configurations
> Say we like artifact A, so we create a project, P that depends on A.
> Declared dependencies are like so:
> P --> A
>   A --> B, C
>       B --> D-v1
>       C --> D-v2
> So we bundle P's dependencies in remote repo configuration and upload to
> the approved repository, which now includes A, B, C and D-v1.
> Some time later, a developer depends on only C, and the project refuses to
> build. How do you all handle this?
> In any case, thank you all for the encouragement that we might not be as
> crazy as I think.
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