Would Ant be okay to use?

You don't have to demavenize a thing -- just add a build.xml to your project.

We converted many of our projects from Ant to Maven, but still have
both the build.xml and pom.xml in the root directory. I even removed
the third party jars from our repository. Instead, I added Ant's <get>
task to the build.xml to fetch the needed jars. It is up to the tech
leads to decide whether to use Maven or Ant in our continuous build
process although more and more projects are now being built with

Then again, installed Maven, set the settings.xml in the Maven
directory, then tarred it up and pass it out to the students. It's
pretty self contained. All they need to do is untar it somewhere, and
put a link to the "mvn" script into their PATH. That will allow the
students to learn Maven while they are at it.

Might as well let your students learn how to use Maven now while their
brains are still soft and moist rather than wait a few years after
brain hardening has started to set in.

On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 2:19 AM, Alessio Pace <alessio.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> a project I'm working on is built by Maven2. It is a single module, it uses
> M2 merely for dependency managament.
> I have to let some students play with it as part of a lab project. Their
> machines just have plain Eclipse, and the users are Maven-unaware, and I
> can't afford to make them pre-install Maven or install it during the lab
> session (too few hours).
> What I wanted to do is to "un-mavenize" the project, creating a separate
> source tree in the old fashion: without the pom.xml but with a libs
> directory filled with all the jars my project depends on. Possibly also with
> the Eclipse .project and .classpath files already configured (ok ok, this is
> optional).
> Thanks in advance for any suggestion on how to achieve that, or with
> comments if you ever had to deal with such a situation (and possibly if you
> want me to discourage to go with the un-mavenize process)
> Regards,
> Alessio Pace.

David Weintraub

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