As an addendum to the meetup, we're also going to conduct a keysigning
party. For more information about a key signing party, take a look at
these excellent documents for how the ApacheCon party runs:

Note, that this requires a tiny bit of preparation, and that is simply
to send me your public key ahead of time. This way we can print out the
list for all attendees.

You can export your key like this: gpg --armor --export KEY_ID >
mykey.asc and then send that file to me via email ( or

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason van Zyl [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 10:03 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Maven Meetup @ Sonatype on March 19th & 20th


For those interested in knowing what Sonatype is working on in the  
Maven community, we're having a Maven Meetup the week before  
EclipseCon in Mountain View.

It's a full day of presentations on Maven and related technologies  
like m2eclipse, Nexus, Tycho, Hudson, NMaven, NAR, FlexMojos and  
more.  That will be followed up by a full day hackathon.

You can see the full description here:

And you can signup to attend here:

We are syncing up with the Hippo folks who are putting on the Maven  
Meetup in Amsterdam (unfortunately the conference organizers didn't  
notice that EclipseCon and ApacheCon are in the same week) as none of  
the Sonatype folks can attend ApacheCon. We are planning to record all  
the sessions on the 19th and so they should be available for everyone  
at ApacheCon.



Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven

A party which is not afraid of letting culture,
business, and welfare go to ruin completely can
be omnipotent for a while.

   -- Jakob Burckhardt

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