Both the dependency plugin and the assembly plugin are able to assembly a
repository layout from a list of dependencies.

2009/5/21 Rui Tang <>

> Hello friends,
> I'm in trouble with the following problem:
> 1. In the ordinary software release, we always include our own jars and 3rd
> party jars in **lib** directory
> 2. After using maven, I have an idea that I want to release a tiny maven
> repository, containing self compiled jars and 3rd party ones, in my
> software
> 3. Now I can use deploy:deploy plugin to deploy my own jars into a specific
> folder (a repository using file:// protocol) (For example this repository
> locates at c:\my-repo)
> 4. But I'm wandering how to deploy the dependency jars with their
> descriptions into this folder. I've checked wagon, dependency, stage
> plugins, but none of them can archive the goal. The stage plugin can do
> what
> I need, but unfortunately it can only sync the whole repository but not the
> specific artifact.
> So I need a plugin like this
> mvn someplugin:someplugin
>  -DsrcRepository=
>  -DgroupId=
>  -DartifactId=
>  -Dversion=
>  -Dpackaging=jar
>  -DdestRepository
> then it can sync the groupId:artifactId:version artifact into the
> destRespository with all its description
> Does this plugin exist or can I do this in some other way, thank you!
> **
> --
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