This should help:

And over here:

(Note the Examples links on the left side. They can provide you with
specific pom.xml examples).

I find that the reference at is the
best way to find information. I'm not too impress with any of the
books I've seen. Most talk about how to setup a pom.xml for a specific
type of application, but not about exactly how everything works, or
where you can find more information.

You can define command line properties to define exactly which
directory you want:

   $ mvn -Dconfig-type=foo package


If you use the above examples, you'll have to move those two
directories to where you really want those the "mySpringBean.xml" file
to be located when copied. For example, if they go into the META-INF
directory, you'll need to have the two files in:




On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 3:00 PM, Robert Glover<> wrote:
> I have read chapter 13 of "Maven: The Definitive Guide" and did not find my 
> question answered there.
>   Here is what I need to do.  I have two subdirectories as follows:
> src/main/resources/foo
> src/main/resources/bar
>   I have the same file in each of those two directories:
> src/main/resources/foo/mySpringBean.xml
> src/main/recourse/bar/mySpringBean.xml
>    What I need to do is specify on the command line (or in a Profile or in 
> settings.xml) which of those two directories should have it's contents copied 
> to  target/classes.  The other directory should not have its contents copied 
> into target/classes.
>   Thank you in advance! (hope hope).
> Robert
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David Weintraub

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