For Tobago 1.0 it is a good thing to put a managed bean in the session, which manages the layout sizes like:
<tc:page state="#{layout}" width="#{layout.width}" height="#{layout.height}"
The bean has to implement PageState or extend PageStateImpl resp.
With this bean you can also influence min/max values for your application.
When the bean in in the session, the sizing also works when the user reloads a page directly in the browser.



Am 23.03.10 15:25, schrieb Fernando Augusto:
Hey Udo,

Thanks for your support again. I already have a login form in the app, and what happens is:

1 - Login Form (the login page has a rows/columns problem and the form doesn't want to be in the center, but I am trying to fix it myself). User uses ID/PWD and validates itself; 2 - Main Form (with the alignment problem stated here). Clicking in the buttons or menus and making the page refresh a few times makes the appearance get better.

@Udo: I am sending you in PVT the URL, with login/pwd for you to see the problem.

Best Regards,

Fernando Augusto

Udo Schnurpfeil escreveu:
Hi Fernando,

a usual solution is to have a start/welcome/waiting page. This page may automatically forwards to your application, after checking the size of the browser (which will be done automatically).
You can also use a login page for that.

Is this a solution for you? If not, you may call the Tobago page with a script, and add the browser size as parameter, but this is not the preferred solution.

I, don't know why you have wrong sizes on your 2nd page. Have you a simple example for that?



Am 23.03.10 04:52, schrieb Fernando Augusto:

While working with my app using TOBAGO 1.0.25-SNAPSOT, I found the
following situation: I use GridLayout with * sizes in some rows and
columns. When the page is first loaded, the page organization is quite
messy, with heights and widths different from the window size. When it
first repaints, the controls are ALMOST (by 50px error) aligned
correctly. When the screen is repainted in the 2nd time, the controls
are correctly placed.
How do I fix it, so the controls can be fit the first time the page is

Best Regards,

Fernando Augusto

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