
You can double click on the line and it will create a bend point for
you.  You can also double click on that bend point to remove it.

Not the first time someone has asked and i don't see it in the docs.
Anybody know if this is in the docs somewhere?


On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 4:45 PM, Charlie Frasure
<> wrote:
> What's the "right way" to add bends in a connector?  When I connect two
> processors, the lines always default to a straight line, and I haven't found
> a way to adjust them.
> When I connect a processor to itself first, I get two yellow dots (bends)
> that allow you to adjust the layout.  Then I move the blue dot (terminating)
> to the processor I originally wanted.
> I didn't see any documentation on it, so if it's an easy answer, I'd love to
> know.

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