
Thanks for the feedback, and we are glad to hear the documentation is

Please feel free to let us know anything else that is not clear, or could
be improved.


On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 2:06 PM, Dan <dcies...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Got it; I think I noticed a 404 error (localhost:8080/nifi-api/cluster) in
> the JavaScript Console when I started the default settings, and thought I'd
> done something wrong. I think at that time I'd thought that you clicked on
> "Processor" / "Input Port" / etc. buttons on the UI rather than dragging
> them onto the canvas.
> Might be helpful if the tool-tip over these icons mentioned the drag
> action rather than the click action to interact with it. Other than that,
> I've found the NiFi documentation remarkably detailed.
> -Dan
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2015 11:54:55 -0500
> Subject: Re: Use Case Validation
> From: bbe...@gmail.com
> To: users@nifi.apache.org
> Dan,
> A stand-alone instance is the default behavior. If you extract a NiFi
> distribution and run "bin/nifi.sh start", without changing any of the
> clustering related properties, then you get a single instance running on
> port 8080 by default.
> My thought behind sending them via site-to-site is to have a central
> instance/cluster where you can monitor/change the routing part of the flow.
> The flow running on the machines where the logs are would likely be a very
> simple flow to grab some data and send back, so there wouldn't be as much
> to see/change there.
> -Bryan
> On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 11:32 AM, Dan <dcies...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks; is the idea of sending the log file data via Site-to-Site to
> reduce load caused by making the routing decision on the machine containing
> the logs?
> Total newb question: How does one create a stand-alone instance? I wound
> up running 2 processes (node and server) as I started poking around. On the
> "server" process, I filled in the nifi.cluster.is.manager=true along with
> n.c.m.address and n.c.m.protocol.port while on the "node" process, I filled
> in nifi.cluster.is.node=true along with n.c.node.* and pointed the
> n.c.n.unicast.* stuff over to the manager values. Is there a simpler way?
> Can I do this with a single process running?
> Thanks
> Dan
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2015 11:10:23 -0500
> Subject: Re: Use Case Validation
> From: bbe...@gmail.com
> To: users@nifi.apache.org
> Hi Dan,
> This is definitely a use case that NiFi can handle.
> A possible architecture for your scenario would be something like the
> following...
> - Run NiFi instances on the machines where you need to collect logs, these
> would not be clustered, just stand-alone instances.
> - These would pick up your log files using List/FetchFile, or TailFile,
> and send them to a central NiFi using Site-to-Site [1]
> - The central NiFi would be receiving the data from all the machines and
> making the routing decisions as to which Azure hub to send to.
> - Depending on your data volume, the central NiFi could be a cluster of a
> few nodes, or for a lower volume it could be a stand-alone instance.
> Let us know if you have any questions.
> -Bryan
> [1]
> https://nifi.apache.org/docs/nifi-docs/html/user-guide.html#site-to-site
> On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 10:52 AM, Dan <dcies...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I've recently found NiFi and have been playing around with it locally for
> a day or so to assess whether it would be a good fit for the following use
> case:
> 1. I'm tasked with gathering log files from 100s of machines from a
> predetermined directory structure local to the machine (e.g. /log/appname/
> or c:\log\appname) which may be Linux or Windows
> 2. File names include date (e.g. appname_20151223.log)
> 3. The log file is structured as JSON - each line of the file is a JSON
> object
> 4. The JSON object in each file includes data that determines where to
> route the message
> 5. Each message should be routed to one of several Azure Event Hubs based
> on #4
> Would I set up a single NiFi cluster to do this, or would I set up what
> would essentially be 100 NiFi clusters if I have 100 machines from which I
> want to gather logs from their local /log/appname directory?
> Thanks - this looks like a very well thought out project!
> Best
> Dan

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