
Absolutely.  Have seen several of these of various types of the years.
It usually works best if the processor itself calls out/polls some
endpoint to get the latest instruction set.  This approach tends to
scale better, means clustered systems work smoothly as well, and it is
nice from a reliability perspective.  You can still choose to push new
configuration information to the processor but keep in mind you cannot
change its properties while it is running.

Feel free to fire more questions as you dig deeper into it.


On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 10:33 PM, Frank Martínez <> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I want to develop a custom Router processor, But I want that my processor
> logic depends on external parameters than can be hot changed. So I have to
> send some signals to the processor while it is running, so it will change
> its internal routing logic. Is it possible to do that with apache nifi?
> Thanks,
> Frank Martínez.
> --
> Frank D. Martínez M.

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