
Sorry this got lost in the mail pile.  Your assumptions are correct and
that is the anticipated behavior.  Has this been a reproducible and/or
persistent issue (the lack of archiving causes disk consumption to grow
unbounded)?  If so, any level of context you can provide to the flow such
as extensions may help to dive in a bit more.


On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 8:07 PM, Andre <> wrote:

> Hi there,
> I have a testing instance of nifi 0.4.2 running an I've noticed a very
> strange behaviour around content archives
> When I look I my settings I see:
> # Content Repository
> nifi.content.repository.implementation=org.apache.nifi.controller.repository.Fil
> eSystemRepository
> nifi.content.claim.max.appendable.size=10 MB
> nifi.content.claim.max.flow.files=100
> nifi.content.repository.archive.max.retention.period=12 hours
> nifi.content.repository.archive.max.usage.percentage=50%
> nifi.content.repository.archive.enabled=true
> nifi.content.repository.always.sync=false
> nifi.content.viewer.url=/nifi-content-viewer/
> Yet, when looking at the archives I can see data that is days older than
> the retention period (as an example, some of the data I have is quite old
> (we didn't see much data crossing that instance so the issue was never
> detected) but we had some changes last week and that became more evident.
> Am I correct to assume NiFi should have cleaned archives older than 12
> hours?
> Cheers

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