If you can represent the expected string format as a regular
expression, you can use the replaceAll() function [1] with


original: http://username:p...@host.com
after: http://username:xx...@host.com

Note I have parentheses around the groups I want to keep (the
beginning and end, everything but the password part), then I can
re-insert them using back-references $1 and $2 (i.e. the capturing



On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 3:44 PM, Madhukar Thota
<madhukar.th...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Friends,
> I am looking for attributes parsing examples. Any help is appreciated?
> I want to get  difference between two feilds attributes
> 1. let say  end - start:
> ${end:minus(${start}) is this right way to do it?
> 2. I want to mask password in the url, how can i do it?
> example: http://username:p...@host.com to http://username:xx...@host.com
> 3. How to parse url encoded post data?
> Today i am doing all the conversation using ExecuteScriptProcessor using
> python but it is very slow in processing.
> Any help is appreciated.
> -Madhu

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