
There are some improvements which can be made in a clustering setup. Maybe this 
one is related?


From: Mark Payne <<>>
Reply-To: "<>" 
Date: Friday, April 29, 2016 at 11:09 AM
To: "<>" 
Subject: Re: NiFi Clustering Issue


Under the hood, NiFi is using an embedded Jetty Server to handle HTTP Requests. 
The documentation
in the web server indicates:

The network interface this connector binds to as an IP address or a hostname.  
If null or, then bind to all interfaces.

So if not specified, it should be binding to all interfaces. If this is not 
what you are experiences, then I do
believe that it is a bug that should be addressed.


On Apr 29, 2016, at 11:02 AM, Christopher Wilson 
<<>> wrote:

I spent some time over the past few days attempting to cluster 3 NiFi nodes.  I 
thought I had the file properly configured, but kept getting 
"unexpected error occurs" from the UI.

Long story short, you have to specifically set the setting 
equal to your hostname or IP address and not empty, which defaults to localhost.

Does anyone feel this is a bug or is this behavior intended?

I was thinking if then should 
equal `hostname`, gethostbyname/gethostbyaddr, or something other than 

Happy to create a bug if the consensus is "yes, it's a bug" or at least update 
the docs to reflect that this setting must not be empty.


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