
Seems perfectly reasonable.  If the path is not found, an empty value will
result.  You can control in the processor properties as to whether or not
this is a warn worthy event or if it should be ignored; the configuration
you would likely desire in this case.

Let us know if this does not work out as anticipated.

On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 2:47 PM, Igor Kravzov <igork.ine...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> In my workflow I need to identify retweets. According to Twitter API
> "Native retweets" are tweet objects that contain a child
> "retweeted_status" node that contains the original tweet being retweeted.
> Identify them by the presence or absence of that node.
> I am using EvaluateJsonPath processor to extract some tweet data and also
> want to check if "retweeted_status" node exists. What the best way to do it?
> Thinking to extract  $.retweeted_status.id_str  into an attribute and to
> check if it is empty or not. But not sure how the processor will behave in
> absence of retweeted_status node.
> Thanks in advance.

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