To update this thread, ...

1. Setting up a no-op processor to "drain" the queue doesn't seem to present any speed advantage over right-clicking the queue and choosing Empty queue. 2. Removing the flowfile and provenance repositories (cd flowfile_repository ; rm -rf *) is instantaneous. 3. However, removing the content repository from the filesystem via console isn't immediate. It does take time. It appears that it may not be taking as long as either method in #1 above, but it does take a very long time. I had over a hundred million files being emptied when I started this thread and I'm still only down just under 40% left as I write this final volley 2 hours after trying to delete them using the filesystem (CentOS 7, CPU inactive, 128Gb memory, 56 cores, hard drive--not SSD).
4. I don't dare delete the /database_repository/.
5. I'm assuming that once all three repositories are gone, I'll be able to restart NiFi without any damage to what I expect /flowfile.xml.gz/ and the rest of the /conf// subdirectory are safe-guarding for me.

There may not be any instantaneous solution anyone can offer short of renaming the content repository subdirectory, setting up a background task to smoke it, and creating a new content repository to start afresh with. I haven't tried that yet.

It's likely a better idea to think ahead about this and provide for draining the queues as the flowfiles reach them. If all you want is a count of successful outcomes, you could do that with a no-op processor that counts as it goes and puts the number somewhere for safe-keeping. I wouldn't be doing this if I weren't trying to make some observations on performance, processing loads, etc., in short, testing.

If I experience anything nasty or noteworthy from this point on [4,5], I'll come back and update this thread again.

On 01/10/2017 02:50 PM, Russell Bateman wrote:
In my case, I'm experimenting with huge flows and huge numbers of files. I wasn't thinking about how much work I'd create for myself by storing up files in a queue at the end (or, in some cases, at intermediate points) when I might want to clean house and start over.

So, I can just bring NiFi down, smoke the repos, then restart safely?

On 01/10/2017 02:39 PM, Joe Witt wrote:
Millions or gajillions will indeed take a while as they have to swap in as presently implemented. We could certainly optimize that if is a common need.

Blowing away the repos will certainly do the trick and be faster. Though is clearly a blunt instrument.

Do you think we need an express queue killer option?

On Jan 10, 2017 1:32 PM, "Russell Bateman" < <>> wrote:

    If I'm experimenting and have gajillions of flowfiles in a queue
    that takes a very long time to empty from the UI, is there a
    quicker way? I can certainly bounce NiFi, delete files, both, etc.

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