Hi All,

For one of my requirements, I will get data in JSON and need to upload it to 
Cassandra. So, I have planned to use ConvertJSONToSQL processor to convert JSON 
to CQL and PutCassandraQL processor will execute those CQL statements for 
inserting the data. For this purpose, I have modified PutCassandraQL processor 
read attribute values to accept sql.args.N.value and sql.args.N.type instead of 
cql.args.N.value and cql.args.N.type. I also made few changes for type 
conversion in PutCassandraQL. The code is working fine.

Is there any alternate way, Where I can achieve my requirement without changing 
 PutCassandraQL processor code?

Thanks & Regards,

Srinath Thota

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