James, one idea, if your common workflow was wrapped with HandleHttpRequest and 
HandleHttpResponse you can reuse them (calling with invokeHttp) since you pass 
all the parameters in the request  and your workflow  use them as attributes. 
Your common workflow behaves like a Micro Service.

Of course , the feature Reference-able+Process+Groups suggested by Joe Witt  
its more clean and readable solution.


From: James McMahon [mailto:jsmcmah...@gmail.com]
Sent: quinta-feira, 9 de Março de 2017 11:47
To: users@nifi.apache.org
Subject: Automating updates in process groups through templates

Good morning. We are developing NiFi workflows with a few key strategic goals 
in mind, one of which is this: change common workflows in one place only, and 
have those changes ripple through to all process groups that employ that code.

More specifically: we have a complex but common workflow that we save as 
template XYZ. That template is used within Process Group ABC, DEF, and XYZ. We 
need to make improvements to the template, and want those improvements to be 
picked up automatically by each of the process groups. How do we make that 

Thank you in advance for your insights.


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