
Your expectations are inline with the functionality of the processor.  You
can add dynamic relationship via a dynamic property in the processor
properties tab.  The plus (+) located at the top right will let you first
specify a property name (Treated as the relationship) and its value would
be the regex of choice.  After hitting apply, the relationship will be
available to connect to other components.

This is covered for RouteOnAttribute in the User Guide [1].


On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 1:32 PM, Russell Bateman <>

> I'm working in NiFi 1.1.1. In this processor's usage, I see:
> Dynamic Relationships:
> A Dynamic Relationship may be created based on how the user configures the
> Processor.
> Name Description
> Name from Dynamic Property FlowFiles that match the Dynamic Property's
> Regular Expression
> However, I cannot see in configuration any option to create a relationship
> other than the "unmatched" one that already exists. I've connect up the
> "unmatched" route, but find no opportunity before or during my attempt to
> wire the "matches" route to anything (there isn't a "matches" route).
> Have I misunderstood this processor's purpose?
> Thanks.

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