
I cant find a way to take 2 attributes and create an attribute with only
the difference between them.

Has anyone accomplished that? In general want to define routing to
processing groups that do things. I want to define end points ( say
customer1 / customer2  / customer3 )
I get one flowfile and I define what the customer(s) need to normalize the
data using advance update attribute.

So flowfile condition is met and I build attributes under actions:

So I enrich flowfile with attribute:

So customer1 would have an attribute "ACTIONS" that says ( convert / merge
/ enrich / convert )
Customer2 has "ACTIONS" ( convert / merge / gzip )
Customer3 has "ACTIONS" ( convert / merge  )

I then want to take that flowfile and have logic that says all customers
need convert / merge so I'll take that flowfile and do convert ( this is
very expensive ) ( or do all the common steps as one flowfile ) before they

Knowing my steps are linear so just want to find a way to build logic to
know my common steps and create attributes with the difference.


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