
I haven't tried it myself, but from the stacktrace and Jsch souce
code, I think you should specify a file in pkcs8 format, instead of
Jsch will leave keypair null if it fails to parse it, that may be the
cause of the NullPointerException.

For converting a pem file to a pkcs8, there is a Stackoverflow thread
which might be helpful in your case, too:

To convert the private key from PKCS#1 to PKCS#8 with openssl:
# openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform PEM -nocrypt -in pkcs1.key
-out pkcs8.key


On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 2:29 AM, Yatsevitch, Mcgregor J
<mcgregor.j.yatsevi...@lmco.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>     I'm trying to get a GetSFTP processor to work.
> I've provided the private key path.
> The error in nifi-app.log says:
> Null.PointerException: null
> at com.jcraft.jsch.KeyPairPKCS8.getPublicKeyBlob(keyPairPKCS8.java:199)
> at com.jcraft.jsch.IdentityFile.getPublicKeyBlob(IdentityFile.java:199)
> The file in the private key path is a pem file, created with an openssl 
> pkcs12 command.
> Has anyone come across this? What do I have wrong?
> Thanks
  • GetSFTP error Yatsevitch, Mcgregor J
    • Re: GetSFTP error Koji Kawamura

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