I’d like to describe some observations we are witnessing and to see if anyone 
has seen this before or has any thoughts on the matter.  Any helpful advice 
would be appreciated. I am remotely trying to help some folks on a system that 
has just been upgraded from nifi 0.6.x to 1.3.x.  They are simply running nifi 
via the “ start” technique now and not as a service and have nuked their 
nifi repos to help avoid issues when upgrading.  On our development baseline 
we’ve done the upgrade smoothly to nifi 1.3.0 months ago and have never seen 
what is being described.  Thus, a nifi flow is being used that has already been 
updated months ago for nifi 1.3.0 and thus is already complaint.  I’ve also 
ensured our custom nars are in the nifi-lib dir, etc.  And, those custom nars 
were also upgraded months ago to use 1.3.0 compliant nifi processor related 

The observations occurring in NiFi UI:

1)       the nifi processors are coming up unlabeled and their outlines are 

2)       all connections to each processor are each red dotted lines

3)       in the top left menu of the nifi where all the icons are for adding 
processors, input ports, etc., when a mouseover occurs, instead of seeing a 
hand, we see a the equivalent of a “do NOT symbol”.  (i.e. the symbol in the do 
not smoking sign)
I’ve had someone lightly look at the logs for anything special, especially the 
word “validation” in case there were any bizarre XML validation errors on the 
nifi flow file.  Again, any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.  Thanks.


Jeremy H. Taylor
Software Developer
ACES, Incorporated<>

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