Hello Folks,

Not sure if I'm running on a bug, but I'm facing a situation when I try to
use a "not compliance" column name as my Maximum-value Column.

First, I've tried to use a column named _Time-Stamp (underscore at the
beginning + hyphen on the middle). This column creates a state like this:

"man_fabrica-cdc"@!@_time-stamp 2018-01-04 15:58:07.877 Cluster

I was wondering if wouldn't QueryDatabaseTable works with Timestamp fields
as Maximum-value Column. So, I've changed to another column to make a try
(column name _Change-Sequence), and got this state:

"man_fabrica-cdc"@!@_change-sequence 252254 Cluster

Enabling Nifi debug I see that no "WHERE" clause was passed when
Maximum-value Column is filled with quotes ("_my-strange-column-name"). On
the other hand, if I do not wrap the odd column name with quotes I got an
error message like this from JDBC Driver:

nifi-app_2017-12-12_11.0.log:Caused by: java.sql.SQLException:
[DataDirect][OpenEdge JDBC Driver][OpenEdge] Syntax error in SQL statement
at or about "_Time-Stamp FROM "man_fabrica-cdc" WHERE" (10713)

I'm using "Normalize Table/Column Names" as suggested here [1].

[1] -



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